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Våre beste

Det kan ofte være mye å tenke på når man skal flytte eller transportere lite eller mye. Spesielt til og fra utlandet.

Vi har noen tips som kan hjelpe deg på veien!


Forms and Documents

Packing-list (PDF).

Importation of removal goods declaration 

  • Declaration for importation of household goods to Norway, in English.


Norwegian links.
Tollvesenet: (Customs Service) Laws, regulations, fees, questions and answers.
Skatteetaten: (Tax Administration) Tax, VAT, The national register.
Posten Norge: (Post Service) Change of address, storage and forwarding.

Swedish links.
Tullverket: (Customs Service) Laws, regulations, fees, forms.

Spanish links.
Kgl. norsk ambassade: Norways embassy in Madrid.
Sveriges ambassad: Swedens embassy in Madrid.


Other European and International links.
The European Union On-Line: Gateway to the European Union.

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